Monday 21 November 2011

Script draft 1

Idea 1
Steven Hubbardo

Idea 1”
Ext. Location #1 – Day: Mixture of opening shots on the main characters lane (Happiness lane).
Narration over the top (main character is the narrator).
There is an age old question that everyone has asked themselves once in their life time. Some more than others, but still, everyone at some point in their life have asked themselves… When are they going to die… and how? It’s rare that anyone can credibly state the day… location…hour…even the minute you are going to die. Fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it… my name is Stanley Walnut… and I am that rare occasion.
INT. LOCATION #2 – DAY: In the house, bedroom, above shot looking down at Stanley
My name is Stanley Walnut… and I am that rare occasion” (smug).
SHOT: (Series of various shots of Stanley, his daughter/boyfriend and his wife getting ready in the morning)
Stanley Walnut
(Walking down the hall to wake his daughter up)
The pain of my life, waking Suzie up every morning…sadly I couldn’t see other things in my future”… (Opens the door to see her own her knees with her boyfriend standing up in with her blocking the lower part of his body)
Suzie wake… oh wow… (Shuts the door fast, close up of his face)
Suzie shouts through the door “Have you never heard of knocking?!”

Stanley shouts back “What is wrong with you… at such a young age!”
Suzie replies “I am 18 Dad… if you were a good father you would know that!”
A good father” It only seems that way because I have terrible Daughter” (walks halfway up the hall in anger, looks back, realises he took things to far but his stubbornness forces him to carry on walking) “If only I would have listened to Suzie… all this time… she was right”

INT. Location #3 – Day - in Stanley’s bedroom, wide shot of the room. Stanley and Grace in the room (Grace is Stanley’s wife). Grace overhears the argument between him and Suzie and decides to confront Stanley about it.
It’s like you want your daughter to hate you!”
It’s like you enjoy arguing with me!”
It’s always about yourself” Do you ever consider how other people feel Stan?”
Really” (Pause, heavy sigh) “What is wrong with us lately? All we ever seem to do is argue?”
We” More like you! It’s always you! You just don’t care anymore”
(Grace storms out of the room)
Ext. Location #4 – Day – Outside of Stanley’s work Suzie sees him harmlessly getting close with another women, then linking arms, she connects the dots with the arguing between him and Grace to Stanley having an affair.
Int. Location #5 – Day – Morning, Stanley is seen leaving for work. Shot of Stanley driving away then the Gardner arriving around the corner. Cuts into the house, hallway, only natural light from the gaps in the blinds shining down on the pair (Gardner and Grace in the same room) Grace walks to the blinds all the time looking at the Gardner, as she twists the blinds she checks out-side to make sure it is “clear”. Shot from the outside of the blinds closing then fade out.
Meanwhile Stanley is seen pulling up on the road, rushing out of his car as rushes to open the front door, walks around gets right next to the living room door but quickly turns around to pick a folder off from the table in the hall. As he picks up the folder he hears a noise, as he is walking to the living room one foot at a time he opens a draw and pulls out an old looking revolver and a right handed black leather glove, then slowly creeps towards the door. As he is about to reach the door the cat rushes out from the stairs, Stan laughs to himself, looks at his watch and in a panic puts the gun and glove on the side and rushes outside.
Ext. Location #6 – Late Afternoon, Stanley arrives back from work to see the Gardner still there doing the job, zoom in shot of the Gardner and his bright green/orange gloves. Walks into the door staring like a hawk at the Gardner who resists raising his head. Stanley looks at his watch then realising he is three hours overtime.
I hope you don’t expect me to pay you for over time” (In a comical manner)
You don’t have to; it’s the least I could do, after-all your wife is very generous”
Stanley hesitates… ignores the comment and carries on walking. As he reaches the door, about to open it the boyfriend opens it; with a big hand gesture he signals Stanley that he has the right of way with his right hand. On his right hand a black leather glove.

Int. Location #7 – Morning, Grace and Suzie in Suzie’s bed room. Suzie call’s Grace in to discuss what she saw with Stanley and the other women, but she manipulates it to go against Stanley.
So what is it you want dear?”
Well, I was off on my lunch break walking past dad’s work... and I saw him with another women... they were holding hands, he even gave her a quick kiss before they crossed the street...”
Grace fuming with rage ran out of the room to see if Stanley was there but Stanley had already left for work. She then runs to the draw Stanley had visited previously to get the gun, she pulls out another one of the two identical handguns but finds one was already missing. There was also only one glove so she picks it up and puts it on her left hand. Still shot of her looking at the gun... fade out.
Int. Location #8 – Late afternoon – Stanley appears home after work, he enters the house to find all the lights off, walks to into the living room and stares at the family picture, remembering how close they were.
Shot’s of the mother driving aggressively with the gun by her side, then to another shot of some unknown character holding a gun walking through the hall way.
They say just as you are about to die you’re life flashes before your eyes in a few seconds. First of all that is not true, it is much longer than a few seconds, in fact it drags out for quite some time... for me I saw many things, the first time I built a tree house with my dad on a bright summers afternoon, the first time I met Grace in a local co-op... She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen... But it was family photo that remained in sight for the longest, remembering how happy we were together, how excited the family were to get our first picture together as one... My heart filled up uncontrollably to the point that I felt it was going to burst. I had so much anger that it went so wrong... but all I could see was the beauty in life, the breath-taking beauty... I couldn’t help but smile... my heart, my soul, and my body... all overflowing with gratitude... one day you will realise what I mean... One day...
Unknown character seen holding the gun behind Stanley’s head...
Bang! Gunshot fade to black hear body hit the floor.

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