Tuesday 1 November 2011

Progression of my Idea's

Idea 1
Okay...... one boy, one girl, wife and husband, potential neighbours and a Gardner. Boy in the age bracket of 18-20.. girl younger, about 16-17. Wife and Husband have a clear problem in their marriage. Very evident when you look at how they get ready for school/work. Boy and girl talking over skype or  in person, undecided as of yet! The girl shares all her problems about their family breaking down, and has suspicion of her dad cheating on her mum, when in-fact it is the other way around. suspscion first arose when she saw her dad leaving work early with another women linking arms, but she does that with everyone and nothing was meant by it, children are known to have minds that start to kick in, and imagination linked the linking of arms with the hostlilty at home.. the only possible outcome was an affair ( In her mind that is) She will show this by talking to her boyfriend about it, and generally being negative towards her dad. The wife is then seen with the gardener, she is seen to eye him up and down and attempt to suduce him with various poses and pouts. Or conversly the gardner is seen to make gestures that would suggest an intrest her, long stares waiting for eye contact with a cheeky wink. Something a long them lines to enforce the potential for an affair. With all the attempts seeming to fail she gives up. A scene of her by herself in her room, talking in the mirror telling her to invite him in, have an "innocent" drink, when in fact she know's that will develop into something else. In terms of the gardner, he decides to approach the wife, ask's for a drink smoothly and politely. After that he goes in to return the cup, they stare at each other for a few seconds.. then rush in to each other, very fast and swift movements, picks her up and carry's her into the bedroom.. fade out. Fade back in to see them out of breath covered by bed covers, reasonably sweaty, she looks so satisfied as if she had been depreived, the lack of intercourse between the wife an husband  is suggested at the start when he woke up early to masturbate in the toilet when his wife was asleep. There needs to be a shot of the gardner at work, with stand out gloves, trimming the plants with a close up of the draper, this will become important furthur down the line. The connectiona and emphasis of these items are key to understand the final plot, the boyfriend and the gardner have the same gardening equipment, I may do introducing shot's, one shot being a dicsount offer of the gloves and drapper together in a buy no one could resist, introduce the main items early on. Anway the two people will wear and use the same gardening tools, the boyfriend will wear them when using them to practise his favourite hobby.. gardening.. and obviously the gardner will use them when working at the main house. The daughter tells her mother about her theory of her husband cheating on her.. in a fit of rage either steals the gardening equipment off the gardner, or they agree to deal with him, she maybe gives the gardener a propostition, if she kills him they can be together.. either way it looks like the husband is going to die.. the question is how and who? I may use the gloves as the main item, they both think to use that to prevent finger prints, I am still debating whether to use a gun or the draper, the draper would seem to be more messy, and the gun is a bit to cliche, but the gun seems easier to use and create on screen, with the help of some effects, it just needs to be believeable. I also debating on having a narrator, like the husband speaking from hindsight, knowing that his deaf is near and speaking about it. At the moment it seems like all my ideas are muddled up, I need to lay and plan out all of my ideas and make some sort of achievable but effective storyline.

Idea 2: Quite simply, and old man reflecting back on his life, seeing all his mistakes, all of his moments of "glory.. but one mistake that stands out, one mistake that changed his life completely.. one mistake he can apoligize for as much as he likes but never can the damage be undone. He will narrate that opening something a long them lines, then it will fade out. "But before all of that, I was living quite a good life, I had an alright job, loving family life, in an average 5 bedroom house" A girlfriend for 3 years, 3 months and 15 days. It was her/ his birthday, she on the over hand was not as rich, in fact she lived in a bungalow 2 bedrooms, just her and her mum. To make matters worse her and her mum never really saw eye to eye, they would fight and argue all the time, the anger caused by the family problems reflected on to the realtionship until it got to a breaking point, it just built and built up, usually the boy could take it but on that day he found out he didn't get into the uni he wanted to go to, and he missed out by 2 marks for one of his subjects, he tried and tried but the university would not accept him. He felt like all his hard work was for nothing, he had never had such a bad feeling, it slowly turned into rage, his girlfriend came round to try and comfort him but he had gone to his quite spot near a local stream, he saw it as his only safe place when his anger built up, his girlfriend turned up as he saw it rudely, it was his spot and he was not happy about it, he tried to walk away as he could feel his anger building up, she grabbed his arm to hold him back and try to talk to him, in his fit of rage he pushed her, not that hard but hard enough to make her stumble backwards, as she was stumbling she trips over a low part of a bridge and back flips off the bridge.. the boyfriend races over to see if she is fine.. to be greeted with her empaled body lying still on the streams bed, a metal pole has pieced through her abdomin, as she layed there all you could see was the water slowly turning red with one tear falling down her right eye. The shot will then fade out back to the old man.. he will also have one tear coming down the right eye, "I could always deal with the life sentence... I could always deal with the pain of letting people down.. I could always deal with the hatred forced upon me for what I did.. but I could never deal with the image of her.. laying there.. so still... the one I loved for so long.. just laying there.. all because of me.. how can you learn to deal with such a thing? Still after all this time.... how many times I have sorry will never make up for what I done...I can only see one way out of this..." camera slowing zooming out to see a noose.. then him standing on a chair.. then him wobling the chair until it falls.. he just hangs there... fade out.

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