Wednesday 9 November 2011

Brain Storming for Ideas

Ben Willingsworth, boy who could never make his mind up, from big to small he could never make a decision… he would outline 5-10 pro’s and con’s each way for every single choice, whether it is selecting what kind of chocolate he wants or buying different clothes. It got so bad his mum had to pick and lay out his clothes to stop him being late every morning. So ideas of him making choices… picking what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what drink to consume all of that shizen, so think of a script, write it and go with it, build it up for the car hitting scene, sees the man is red but needs to get home, decides something this big will help him improve himself so decides to cross and bam…car hits him…

“There is an age old question that everyone has asked themselves… some more than others, but still, everyone at some point has asked themselves… When and how are you going to die…? It’s rare that anyone can credibly state the day… location…hour…even the minute you are going to die. Fortunate or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it… my name is Ben Willingsworth… and I am that rare occasion” fade in on face lying down on the bed.
“My story if quite a simple one, I live in a four bedroom house, oldest sibling with two annoying little brats”
Kid one “Hey Ben…
Ben: “what?”
Kid one “What clothes did mum pick for you today hahahaah”
Ben “And that is what I deal with… pure immaturity… and I know what you’re thinking… I am a teenager and my mum still picks my clothes… but there is a reason for it, I have been born with this problem where I can’t make decisions”
 From an early age I had this thing; some people call it a problem but I prefer a thing. Either way I was soon to realise how problematic it could be. When I was younger it was deemed as cute… (Shots of him at a young age not being able to decide what packet of crisps to eat, mum thought it was funny so decided to film some amateur footage of me and my problem). Looking back on it, it was rather cute, however as I started to reach my teens the problems started. I could not make a single decision. I was supposed to be entering the age of independence… I couldn’t even decide what food to eat before school. I would end up sitting there for hours just looking at the cereal boxes. My mum attempted everything, buying only one brand… but it just kept getting worse and worse. 

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