Thursday 3 November 2011

What are the common conventions of the film poster?

A common convention to do with film posters would usually include a clear conveyed message to the audience, its basic aim is to attract and appeal to the audiences interests. It will usually combine an appealing picture with a key phrase or word in the movie, some movie genre's give clues to the plot in the film poster, to interest people that see it as a challenge. However many film posters also play on the actors they have in the movie, they will put emphasis on big and famous actors. For example, if you went to see a John Wayne movie, you would go because of John Wayne, sometimes you might not even know the name of the film but the shear fact that John Wayne is starring as the lead role is enough to convince you to go. There are some basic rules for when it comes to designing a poster. Too much text is not advised, an overload of information will be ignored by audiences walking by, you need to attract the audience with a gripping picture or big feature actor. The most text used should usually consist of a key phrase or key words and the usual credits along with the name of a big actors is they are present. Unclear structure. If key elements such as objectives, approach, conclusions, or perspectives are missing, everyone who is not an insider on your subject will not understand why your poster is relevant. The poster has to be relevant to the genre to theme of the feature film. Inappropriate structure. Many people blindly apply the standard structure of a written report, thereby using their poster as a sort of miniature article, which almost automatically leads to a lot of text. There is no standard structure for a poster, but the normal conventions use only necessary text. Poor figures. Some figures may be real puzzles, with incomprehensible legends, secret codes, small lettering, and cryptical captions, etc. In the terms of common conventions you would try to use readably font and figures.vInformation overload. Many presenters overload their posters with too many data, and greatly overestimate the time that the average visitor is willing to spend on the poster. A common convention is too only use necessary phrases and words, you need to attract your target audience, making them read long sentences will not do the job, visual attraction is the easiest and most effective method for increasing interest in the certain feature film. The common conventions attempt to attract the audience without having to explain what is featured on the poster, no one is there to present the information so you have to make it clear, attractive and stand out compared to the rest.

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