Wednesday 12 October 2011

Broad to do list

  • Not in order!
  • Finish script and finalize it.
  • Get actors/actor.
  • Find suitable locations.
  • Research for the magazine poster and film review
  • Organize props, actors, locations and booking for a camera.
  • Organize shot by shot list and diagrams if necessary.
  • Organize solid dates when everything can get done.
  • Print out the script for the actor/actors
  • Draw scene sketches for a rough idea
  • Locate sound effects and soundtrack if necessary
  • Find a voice for the narration, maybe the actor
  • Get some inspiration for film poster and film review
  • Get some inspiration on the certain genre of my film
  • Learn more about the use of different shots
  • Learn more about how to edit and use different software

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