Monday 10 October 2011


Well, I am planning to update this post with every single idea I get and develop a select few. My plan is to challenge instead of conform, make it different in some manner. Maybe go for the mixed up scenes or twists in the plot, either way I want to make it mine, unique in some fashion.

  1. Idea 1: Okay, basic plot, boy and girl talking over Skype or some kind of web communication service, girl jokes about wanting her parents killed as they have upset her somehow, boy takes it literally and decides to take on the challenge of killing the parents, but how to do it is the question. There is also a lot of tension between the mother and father, mother even decides to cheat on the husband with some other man, the man however could be a suspect to the murder. 
  2. Idea 2: I want to express something close to me, something that actually means something, but I am lost for how to express some kind of problem or feeling. All I know is that I want to do something personal to me. 
  3. Idea 3: I have always wanted to express the talented but somehow impaired in his talent, for example a blind guitarist, or a deaf pianist. Something along them lines. But musical instruments have been done before, I want to do something different, something close to me... 
  4. Idea 4: Something completely random, not much point to it, but it is successful in its own right. Something weird or crazy.. along the lines of this boy that has an imaginary friend even though he is nearly an adult, then when he is finally made to face his imagination he breaks down.. 
  5. Idea 5: Something a long the lines of family, that has always been a close thing to me and many. How to show the importance of family without the normal deaths is the question.. I would like to stay away from all the traditional dying and trying to deal with it kind of stuff.. yes it happens pretty much 24/7 but everyone knows that, I want to try something new, put emphasis on something new...

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