Wednesday 11 April 2012

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Well to start off with my media product was "Breaking Point", the movie title first of all screams out blockbuster action movie, and I used this deliberately, to challenge this idea of short snappy titles being present in mainstream action films. This is my first and quite subtle challenge to the forms of titling in the mainstream movie world. It is also a short film, and that in itself is challenging the forms of feature films, one could even argue that every short film develops or challenges loosely built conventions on which short films are made around. I could argue that my A2 work challenges forms of media products. This is because I drift away from force feeding the audience the information; I use images with the combination of narration to reinforce my idea. But never will it be meaningless, a lot of short films and feature films are there just to entertain, I wanted to challenge this need to just entertain or take them into this surreal reality where no one can touch them and all their problems go away. It is relatively common that people use movies to create this false sense of reality, as escapism to get away from their busy and "stressful" lives. I however did not want to conform to this ideology. Instead I wanted the audience to be made aware of real life problems that occur in our everyday lives that get very little notice, from both the film industry, and many other media distributions. This in itself leads me to believe that I did in fact challenge forms and conventions of real media products, as I steered away from the mainstream conventions and created my own that involved real problems being addressed in the art form of a short film. However I did conform to such conventions of the "Drama" genre in my short. With the slow build up accompanied with slow music leading to a big scene or sense of Drama that makes the film what it is. This is a segment of normal conventions used in the Drama genre. Used well, it can intrigue the audience and create tension as the narrative builds up to that key scene. I tried to use some common conventions, such as the slow music and the build-up to create tension for my key scene (hanging scene). However instead of using dialog with two or more characters to build this sense of tension and Drama, I used the combination of images and narration, this I feel is an example of me challenging the normal conventions of the Drama genre, as that specific form of combination is rarely seen in the genre. I did also conform to conventions of real life products, for example, movies such as The Shawshank Redemption, Big Fish and many others, narration is used as a key story telling device. So in this particular aspect I did use already existing conventions of real media products to tell my story. But overall, I believe, a mixture of challenging, developing and using the conventions of real products to create my project “Breaking Point” was done successfully. 

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