Wednesday 11 April 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary task?

In terms of the effectiveness of the combination of my main product and ancillary task, I would regard the combination as being effective. I used the poster (ancillary task) as a teaser for the main product, it was a picture of the key scene to give an indication and hopefully intrigue the audience for my main product. I decided to conform to some already existing conventions of film poster designs (Insert picture), I used a simple but important picture as a sort of teaser and insight to really connect with my audience and create a sense of curiosity. I also conformed in the sense of having descriptive writing on the poster, in my case I put “Every man has one…” this was done to both increase curiosity to what the man’s breaking point is, and also to relate to the audience by saying “Every man”. Even simple combinations like using the main protagonist as a male lead and combining this is the poster by referring him to as a man is still an example of an effective combination (however simple it is).

I also used the poster to reinforce the feel of challenging the conventions of titling for movies. I asked many people what movie genre they thought "Breaking point" would be, nearly everyone said action. This made me feel that the poster reinforced my idea of challenging the normal conventions of titling a film, the common stereotype of short snappy action titles being turned on its head to challenge the conventions. I used my other ancillary task (Film review) to evaluate and provide positives for the movie for people to watch. This is often the case for many films; the critics they receive could make or break a movie, so it is very important to get an overall good review. Including both positive and negative feedback in my review, it made my overall project seem more professional and overall more effective. With the combination of my two ancillary tasks and my main project I believe the poster acting as a teaser, and the film review adding an element of professionalism. The combination of my two ancillary tasks in relation to my main product, I consider the overall outcome to be effective in both empathising key themes and providing that feel of professionalism throughout my work. 

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