Thursday 29 December 2011

Scene sketches

I have decided to sketch some of the scenes to give me a rough feel of what I want. This should help me and make me more prepared when I come to film it, hopefully it will turn out like I envisage but my drawing does let me down a little bit.

Hanging scene

Suitcase on the bed

Dropped off at the halfway house

Looking outside to see the kids

Finding the rope in the shed

Monday 19 December 2011

Change to the script (Idea two)

Okay I have made some relatively substantial changes to my script of Breaking Point (Idea Two). These changes consist of:

  • The narration will begin as usual, but with the image of a black screen, it is either the build up with images of him as a kid, or just straight into the shot of the taxi driving off leaving the character at the halfway house. It will then cut to a shot of the man throwing his bag on the bed and the door closing. The man takes a big deep in and out. He will then turn to open his bag to hear this faint sound of children playing, it will get louder until he reaches the window to see three little girls playing in the back garden, then the voice of a man and a women talking and kissing. A  shot back to the man looking out of the window, closes his eyes opens them again to a (POV) shot to seem them disappear.  It will fade out to a wide angled shot of a park, the man will slowly enter the shot from the right wearing a bright orange vest. He has a part time job cleaning litter from parks for his probation. That same sound of children will appear, he will look to the playground to see children playing in there with the same man and women. Then there will be a wide angle shot where the family disappear with him still in the frame. It fades out again, narration kicks in, its opens to the old man walking out of the shop with what seems to be a rope in the bag. Then fades to the house, as you seem him pull up his tie, dressed in a suit he steps on to a chair. Then a shot of him reaching for the rope hanging from the ceiling. It slowly works down his body until you see him shack the chair and it tip over. An outside shot of the man from behind hanging... fades out. To see the same taxi drive off, with a new man standing at the drive way. 

Sunday 18 December 2011

Learn how to use different editing software

Photoshop: How to Learn Photoshop
A huge advantage of Photoshop is you have more ways to learn it, like this page here, than any other program. So many people know it it's easy to learn just about anywhere.
The best way to learn Photoshop is to take a class at your local community college to learn the basics of Lightening Underexposed Images and Correcting Color Casts and White Balance Problems. These basic adjustments are covered in every introductory Photoshop class and book so I'll just cover them quickly below. You must be fluent in these to get anywhere with Photoshop for optimizing images.
Photoshop also has built-in help as well as free tutorial usually included in the box. All you need to do is choose how you learn best and go that way. Personally I learn best from an in-person class or having an expert show me in person. When I have a question about how to find some obscure tool or how to make a command work I just choose help from the HELP menu.

Basic Operation and Tricks of the Trade
All these adjustments work with every kind of image. That's why skilled photographers feel sorry for people who toil away with RAW files just so they can correct exposure and white balance later. You can do it all to any JPG image in Photoshop without all the hassle.
The tricks below presume you have at least a basic navigational familiarity with Photoshop. You can get that from any book or community college class, or even the built-in help!
Photoshop has been around since the 1980s when it was only used by professionals. It therefore uses terms from traditional professional photography and the commercial printing press trades. Often these terms are exactly the opposite of what you'd expect! The most obviously labeled tools are sometimes the worst way to do things, so read up below.
People spend entire careers learning Photoshop. There is more to learn than any single human will be able to master. Each of us learns what's relevant to our own work

A tutorial on YouTube that helped me on the basics

Monday 12 December 2011

Script Number 2



Open up with a black screen, narration

Character number one
This is a story of a boy and a girl, however it is not your usual happy love story… it is my story… and in my story we should have lived happily ever after… apart from one problem, and it was a pretty big problem. (Black Screen)
There comes a time in every man’s life, when he is forced to reflect on his mistakes… In my case there was just one that stood out. I started off life like everyone else, a kid, no worries, no cares, no problems… I did however make the occasional mistake.

Anyway, this is my story. It starts off at an early age, just an innocent looking kid running around living life to the full. (images and amateur footage as a kid) It carried on all through my school life; however I met someone, my soon to be best friend, the kindest, sweetest girl I had ever met. (All old styled footage to suggest some kind of flashback) I was to stay with her for four more years, safe to say they were the happiest years of my life.

Let’s get back to that problem of mine; to me my life seemed pretty perfect… I didn’t really want anything else in life at that point. (flashback)
It was our fourth year anniversary, I had planned on taking her out but me being me forgot to book and I couldn’t find anywhere that would take us at such late notice. Instead I took her for a romantic meal down next to the river. It all seemed fine until we started arguing. It was such a pointless argument…

Location bridge next to a local stream. No sound just pictures showing the two arguing, boy slowly getting more and more annoyed until he pushes the girl back, she stumbles and trips on the curb over the edge of the bridge and into the shallow rock layered stream.

Everyone experiences mistakes, some worse than others, nevertheless it happens to all of us. Most people learn and benefit from their mistakes, sadly my mistake was not one I could benefit from. (Shows the boy being handcuffed and put into the back of a police car)

And that was my problem, I was convicted for a life sentence minimum of 50 years… there is a reason why I am telling this story, first of all… (fades in to a shot of a road slowing moving up hearing a metal gate close) it was the day of my release, 54 years later and I am out of prison... you think it would be a glorious occasion but to be perfectly honest I got used to being in prison… and dare I say it I saw it as my home. I had friends in there, I have no one out here apart from this assigned helper to get me used to the outside world, arrange work and place to stay… but she doesn’t care about me, I am just a job to her…  I am nothing to everyone else. I tried to work, and live in the outside world… but I can’t do it, too much has changed… I remember reading this quote in prison, “Do not pity those that are dead, pity those who are alive and above all pity those alive and without love” All I hope now is that this letter both shows my sincere apology for (girl name and family) and raise well needed awareness for those who come out of prison to be faced with nothing.. and above all those alive without love… sadly I have decided to take the easy way out… but I hope this letter and my actions have some kind of positive effect… Your sincerely a man who couldn’t do it anymore. (Shot of a chair slowly being rocked until it turns on to its side, all you can see is the feet, twitching until they stop fade out.

As he is reading this out a journey of him walking, donating all his money to the local charity, paying for his flat to be rented out for 2 years for the 3 homeless people in the town, this is done by a shot of the 3 shaggy clothed men signing a piece of paper. Then his final journey to the post box to deliver his letter.