Tuesday 27 September 2011

Telling a story in a few minutes.. difficulties

Telling a story in a few minutes presents a lot of difficulties. First of all I need to decide who I am aiming to attract, how I am going to draw in my target audience and ultimately how I am going to appeal to them in such limited time.

List of difficulities and a solution for them.
  • How to fit in a story in such a small time period... get some inspirations from research on other shorts, then develop a idea and go with it until you find a story or stories I like.
  • Who/how am I going to target my audience. I will not have a definite answer to this until my idea is developed, but I know for sure I will be aiming to attract a small minority of short film lovers, they tend to appreciate shorts that make them think, challenges genre and in a way conforms to the popular opinion that shorts are a genre of its own.
  • The choice to conform with the present genre or create a whole new form of genre, or just agree with the popular opinion that shorts are a genre in their own. I am determined to think of a story that will challenge instead of conforming to the "normal" genre's, instead I am going to try and make it in to its own genre and agree with popular opinon that it is a whole different genre of its own.
  • What idea will work with several problems such as in the short time period, lack of resources (money,actors,settings etc) actual time for the filming on top on of all the other school work and blog work. I am planning to post at least one blog entry every night, this will manage the time needed for both the blog work and the coursework, I also hope that it shows clearly the development of my idea, blog work and overall ability in Media Studies. In the case of money, actors and settings, Its not exactly going to be a big budget action feature film, so the cost should be minimal. For actors I will try local acting clubs, classes, theatre productions and schools. In terms of settings, props and overall mise en scene, this is a problem that will have to been solved later on in the developing stage, as the idea is not really finalised yet, merely a rough idea that needs a fair bit of work.

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