Tuesday 13 September 2011

Character and Characterization

In today's media lesson we were focusing on the old aged question, what is more important? Plot or character? After reading a brief explanation by Robert Mckee, I soon realised that both are equally important, you could have the most exciting plot in the world, but if the cast was boring, dull and terrible actors, who is going to enjoy it? Conversely you could have the best actors in the world, but put them in a bad plot and it will ruin the whole film! As Robert Mckee says "We cannot ask which is more important, structure or character, because the structure is character; character is structure" They are the same thing, mine example was just a basic insight to the whole concept of which is better, but ultimately in my opinion they are equal, as they are pretty much the same thing!

But we did not stop there, we then went on to question Character versus Characterization. Characterization is simply the facts like age, gender, IQ, to things that are brought upon by stereotypes or cultural influences. For example style of speech and gesture, choices of home, car and dress, education, occupation, personality, values and attitudes. All aspects of humanity we could find out by taking day to day notes on someone. These are all traits, unique to every single individual,  this is what Characterization is about.

However beneath the surface of characterization, regardless of appearances, and all of these traits, you will find out his true colours when he/she is made to make a decision under pressure. Pressure is essential, choices made when nothing is at risk mean little, but as soon as there is some pressure in the choice, there true colours (character) appears. In movie terms its the same as a nerdy student becoming some sort of superhero to save someone he loves or someone close to him etc. For example in Spiderman he was just a normal average every guy type of "nerd" cared a lot about his education, had this boyish little crush on a girl he hardly knew but as soon as he got the "spidey powers" he became some sort of superhero and saved the world and got the girl! His true colours (character) came out, that is what the audience love to see!
There is a clear difference between the two pictures, even though it is the same person, this nerdy photographer turned into this audience attracting, beautiful girl saving, super hero!

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