Tuesday 28 February 2012

Audience Feedback-Ancillary task

Film Poster- Average mark would be 6/10, mostly positive feedback but a lack of information was the main critic. I will most likely add a production company, release date and maybe a few actors but I do not want to draw attention away from the centred image. Most film posters use the names as a selling incentive for those famous actors that have huge fan cults. I do not have that luxury so I deterred from using the names of the actors for a reason. It is not a selling point as it features low budget actors, I firmly believe there is no need for the actors names but I will include the addition of the production/film company producing the film.
Positive feedback

  • "Really effective imagery, clever how the text is integrated on the chair"
  • "Very relevant, effective black and white"
  • "Strong independent image, thought provoking"   

Constructive criticism 

  • "In need of a more writing, production company, website etc..."
  • "Needs more information"
  • "There's a white strip at the bottom, doesn't look like it should be there"

Film Review- Just like the poster the average mark was around the 6/10 mark. Once again mostly positive feedback, could use maybe some background colour as it is white. I agree with that, but it is hard to get a colour that fits the formal angle I have tried to approach. Most people have also recommended columns, but for some reason I chose to challenge the normal conforms most film reviewers adopt. But if it is seen as a necessity I may be forced to listen to the positive feedback and change it for the authenticity of the piece.

Positive feedback

  • "Good layout, black and white trend works"
  • "I like the font of the title"
  • "Smartly broken down in to neat and concise sections" 
Constructive criticism

  • "For the purpose of authenticity, columns are necessary"
  • " The black and white is a tiny bit bland, maybe some colour?"
  • "The title of the magazine should be bigger" 

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