Tuesday 28 February 2012

Dates for filming

Okay I have prepared pretty much for filming this weekend (3/4th of March 2012) This does seem to be a very late date but other coursework and commitment problems with actors and what not have delayed the project. It should all be filmed if weather permits, hopefully it shall. Booked actor, got props, got camera/tripod, got location and times, printed off script for the actor and briefed him on how he should feel and act already to get him in the zone, instructed that he wears not old and shabby but old and formal clothing. All is ready!

Audience Feedback-Ancillary task

Film Poster- Average mark would be 6/10, mostly positive feedback but a lack of information was the main critic. I will most likely add a production company, release date and maybe a few actors but I do not want to draw attention away from the centred image. Most film posters use the names as a selling incentive for those famous actors that have huge fan cults. I do not have that luxury so I deterred from using the names of the actors for a reason. It is not a selling point as it features low budget actors, I firmly believe there is no need for the actors names but I will include the addition of the production/film company producing the film.
Positive feedback

  • "Really effective imagery, clever how the text is integrated on the chair"
  • "Very relevant, effective black and white"
  • "Strong independent image, thought provoking"   

Constructive criticism 

  • "In need of a more writing, production company, website etc..."
  • "Needs more information"
  • "There's a white strip at the bottom, doesn't look like it should be there"

Film Review- Just like the poster the average mark was around the 6/10 mark. Once again mostly positive feedback, could use maybe some background colour as it is white. I agree with that, but it is hard to get a colour that fits the formal angle I have tried to approach. Most people have also recommended columns, but for some reason I chose to challenge the normal conforms most film reviewers adopt. But if it is seen as a necessity I may be forced to listen to the positive feedback and change it for the authenticity of the piece.

Positive feedback

  • "Good layout, black and white trend works"
  • "I like the font of the title"
  • "Smartly broken down in to neat and concise sections" 
Constructive criticism

  • "For the purpose of authenticity, columns are necessary"
  • " The black and white is a tiny bit bland, maybe some colour?"
  • "The title of the magazine should be bigger"